Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 562 is involved in ongoing activities in their communities volunteering their time and talents to help others. The following are just a few events we have recently participated in.
Heat’s ON
Initiated in 1987, this program teams Pipefitters with the Mechanical Contractors Association (M.C.A.) to provide free services, valued at more than $200,000 annually, to St. Louis’ poor and elderly residents. The contractors donate the trucks and materials needed, while the Pipefitters donate their time and expertise to inspect and/or repair faulty furnaces, hot water heaters and smoke detectors.

Rebuilding Together
Since its beginning in 1993, this program has provided plumbing repairs and home renovations for elderly, low-income and disabled residents in the St. Louis area. Each year, approximately 70-90 homes are inspected and/or repaired. “Rebuilding Together” is made possible by the extensive volunteer work of hundreds of Plumber & Pipefitter Local 562 members, contractor members of the Plumbing Industry Council (P.I.C.), and other supplier members.

Habitat for Humanity
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 562 has recently partnered with this charity to assist in building decent, affordable housing in St. Louis. This program helps families that are determined to proactively better their lives. Needy families are chosen to become future homeowners and contribute “sweat equity” in building their own homes.
Since the St. Louis chapter’s inception in 1986, over 200 families have benefited from this program. Over the next 10 years, it is estimated that Habitat’s services will touch an additional 422 families, or about 1,900 people. Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562 is proud to be a part of this great program.
Fishin’ Fitters Annual Tournament
The annual “Fishin Fitters” charity fishing tournament is held each year at the Lake of the Ozarks in May. You can get more information at Union Meetings starting in February.